The Ignorant Investor

Ignorance Can't Stand in the Way of My Opinion

Friday, April 09, 2010

Seen on the Drudge Report this morning at the top left of the page:

GINGRICH: Obama 'most radical president ever'...
LIMBAUGH: Obama 'inflicting untold damage on this great country'...
PALIN: Obama's Nuke Stance Like Kid Who Says 'Punch Me in Face'...
LIZ CHENEY: Obama Putting America on 'Path to Decline'...
HANNITY: Obama 'Is a Socialist'...
SAVAGE: 'Obama The Destroyer'...

Obama is not a socialist any more than Bill Clinton was a socialist. He's pretty much a "third way" corporatist of the type that arose after the unions went into decline and TV advertising made campaigning too expensive for anyone who couldn't raise a zillion dollars. Obama makes deals with industry insiders to create legislation that will benefit the poor. If the corporations weren't getting something out of the deal, too, they wouldn't agree to these deals.

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