The Ignorant Investor

Ignorance Can't Stand in the Way of My Opinion

Friday, June 17, 2005


If Only Harry Potter Managed Money

Trying to simplify the process of investing down to its bare bones, it occurred to me that there are a limited number of ways the average person can make money with a little capital:

1) You can buy an asset of some kind- a home, a painting, coins, gold bars, bare land, a patent or copyright- and either wait for it to appreciate in value or allow someone else to use it for a fee. Usually this appreciation results from the demand for the asset outstripping the supply, or because someone has figured out a way for someone to use the asset to make more money.

2) You can lend money to someone for a period of time in exchange for a fixed fee or a fee that rises and falls based on some external event, like a rise in the going rate of interest.

3) You can buy a share of someone else's business, having virtually no say over how the business is run but taking a share of the profits and having a miniscule stake in the assets the company.

4) You can use the money to set up your own business.

That's it, as far as I can see. Nothing magical or extraordinary there. Taking any one of these four routes involves risk, and people have managed to both make and lose a lot of money doing all of them.

I don't know why this is important to note. It's probably obvious to everyone but me. But I like to make lists, particularly when there's so much written about investing out there in books, websites, magazines, the newspapers. Whatever the idea is, it's just a variation of one of these four approaches, and so is unlikely to have any magical properties to turn a little money into a lot of money fast.

Unless I've missed something. Which is very possible given my ignorance.

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